So I was lying in bed after having a exhausting day of end-semester exams and watching The Big Bang Theory, waiting for 23:30 IST (18:00 UTC) for my acceptance letter. I was feeling a strong chance of 40-60 of getting selected after analyzing my efforts I had invested during the Pre-GSoC time. My heart was pounding fast and I slowly became less interested in the sitcom and suddenly my phone pops up a an email notification. Holy cow! I got accepted into Google Summer of Code ‘21 for real.

I would love to express my gratitude towards my mentors:

for giving me this opportunity and considering me to be worthy of this project. Also, a huge thanks to Google Summer of Code team for conducting this wonderful program.

GSoC Acceptance email

Also you can find the link to my GSoC project.

PS: ‘warmachine86’ is my nickname and I forgot to change it on time.